
Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

5 de mayo de 2023

The FIAT guys at @FitchRatings just UPGRADED El Salvador’s credit rating 3 positions in a single day ????nnOf course they are just trying to adjust to reality, which is even better.nnCan’t wait for them to upgrade it even more, once we ...

Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

4 de mayo de 2023

I’ve just signed into law, the INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING INCENTIVES ACT, that eliminates all taxes (income, property, capital gains and import tariffs) on technology innovations, software and app programming, AI, computer an...

Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

3 de mayo de 2023

La oposición nos la pone demasiado fácil…

Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

2 de mayo de 2023

En todos los países de Latinoamérica hay medios y “periodistas” pagados por Soros.nnPero en realidad no son periodistas, son activistas políticos con una agenda mundial definida y perversa.